September 2019 ~ Calendar Download

September brings us the fresh start of a new season, allowing us to set new goals and form new daily habits. But summer isn't over yet! We have until September 23rd for the equinox, so soak up those beach days, summer bonfires and last-minute getaways. And remember, summer is really just a state of mind anyways...

Santos Swim’s calendar highlights key dates, provides a section for your notes and poses a monthly environmental challenge to encourage long-lasting sustainable habits. A new calendar will be released each month and we hope to inspire your wanderlust with photos of #PlacesWeLove. This month features our photo from Tulum, Quintana Roo, México.

Click the photo below to download your free pdf calendar:
September 2019 Free PDF Calendar Download Tulum
To save: right/control-click on the pdf image, click "save as" and save to your desktop. You can print it or use it as a desktop background. Enjoy!

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